CID stands for
collision-induced-dissociation a common fragmentation technique to create
tandem MS spectra (MS2). In CID precursor ions are accelerated and subsequently
injected into a ion guide filled with inert neutral gas molecules, typically
N2, where the analyte of interest undergoes single or multiple collisions. The
charge of the analyte, the accelerating (collisional) voltage and the gas pressure
can determine the extent of collisional Impact.
Ions are vibrational excited
by the collision(s) with a time frame of a few femtoseconds. Depending on the
chemical bonds present the ions can break apart into charged, radical
or neutral fragments. In proteomics weaker bonds, such a post-translational
modification, tend to get lost during CID.
In beam type instruments a
special version of CID, In Source CID, can facilitate MS3 fragmentation
for deeper structural elucidation. Herein, ion guides on the front end of the
MS serve as a 2nd collision device for fragmentation of all ion
species injected. Out of this very complex MS2 spectrum
precursors can be selected for an MS3 in the actual collision cell
When it comes to analysis of intact proteins and protein complexes having high molecular weights, In-Source CID at elevated pressure, can be applied but in most cases it directly leads to dissociation. Secondary or high order protein structures cannot be detected easily.
Besides the dissociative nature of CID for large biomolecules there is a much elegant appoarch that utilizes collisional activation to study structures intactly. It is called CIU, which stands for collisional induced unfolding, and can be conducted with an ion mobility detector coupled to an MS.
During a CIU experiment intact biomolecules, such as antibodies, are ionzied and undergo a stepwise increase of collision heating which induces a gradual change in conformation (unfolding).
For every stepped potential an ion mobility scan, plus the nested MS scans, are recorded so that one can follow the structural changes. These multidimensional datasets (see image) help to distinguish isoforms, determine number for disulfide bonds and degree of modifications or monitor ligand binding.
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