Sonntag, 15. Juli 2018

Lectures of MaxQuant Summer School

It's summertime that means it's time for MaxQuant Summer School. For the 10th time proteomics research gather to get to know the hints and tricks about dealing with proteomics software maxQuant.

Over the time span of a decade MaxQuant have become the leading software for shotgun proteomics and quantification via Lable-Free-Quantification, Tandem-Mass-Tag and SILAC.

Briefly, MaxQuant consists of a search engine Andromeda, which is similar to mascot or crux and a visualization tool, called Perseus which provides comprehensive statistical analysis, such as normalization and hypothesis testing.

For more detailed information about the specific feature of MaxQuant check out the great youtube channel, to which all the lecture of current and former summer schools are uploaded.

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