Mittwoch, 7. November 2018

SLIM 2.0 - Structure for lossless ion manipulation

Structures for lossless ion manipulation, abbreviated SLIM, is a special low cost technique that utilitzes drift time ion mobility. SLIM is a modular device, which allows different configuration and is therefore able to manipulate ions in various ways among them storage, accumulation, separation based on ion mobility, ion reactions and ion fragmentation. The technique also implies a nearly 100% ion transmission independent from the duty cycle applied ("lossless").

It is an ion optical device comprised on electrodes patterned on planar surfaces. Specifically, it consists of two parallel stacked circuit board (looks a bit like a sandwich) each having an array of DC guard electrodes and an array of central rung electrodes having a DC with superimposed RF similar to a conventional multipole.

Ion dynamics are similar to a multipole. Static DC guard voltage confine the ions laterally and the dynamic RF/DC  voltages of the rung electrodes create a pseudo potential with a low energy region close to the central axis of the fly path to maintain the ions close to the center.

Performance wise, the linear SLIM system at a static pressure of 5-6mbar exhibits ion mobility resolution of 55 FWHM and is capable of doing tandem IMS. Since IMS resolution in drifttube ion mobility for a given ion pulse length and ion charge depends on length of drift tube, longer SLIM devices may provide higher IMS resolution.

As previously mentioned the design is flexible and it has proven to guide ions within different geometrical configurations such as a 90°degree turn or a tee. Compared to measurements with the linear SLIM configuration 90°degree turn configuration displayed similar IM resolution but requires a greater confining confining RF amplitude and guard biases for overcome the "racetack issue". The inventor from the Smith Lab introduced the further development of the SLIM - SLIM 2.0 (good introductory video clip can be found here) - utilitzing travelling wave technology last year. It's a pity I just have got to know it recently.  


Samstag, 3. November 2018

Conductive polymer spray ionization

This is an advancement of paper spray ionization selective for hydrophilic compounds. Traditionally, paper spray utilizes cellulose as matrix. Since cellulose is hygroscopic it acts absorbing to many hydrophilic compounds and causes diffusion of the compound of interest. To overcome this and gain more sensitivity for this particular compound class an polymeric surface made of PMMA (polymethylmethacrylate) commonly known under the brand "plexiglass", had been used by the authors. The hydrophobic polymer does not interact with hydrophilic compounds, decreases diffusion, enhances microdroplett formation and therefore increases sensitivity for peptides or sugars up 100-fold compared to conventional paper spray ionization. 

Mittwoch, 31. Oktober 2018

FlashPack enables packing of 50cm columns with 2mircon particles in less than an one hour

Usually column packing using sub micron particle requires packing pressures of sometimes more than 1000bars. Such workflows require special high pressure equipment and take more or less time since packing time for a given column length depends on the concentration of the particle suspension.

FlashPack provides a new column packing methodology for highly concentrated sub-2µm sorbent suspension (up to 1000mg/mL) at relatively low pressure of 100bar by overcoming particle aggregation. Thus, column packing procedures utilizing the FlashPack setup are a 100-times faster for a given column length than conventional column packing approaches.

This is achieved by  the unique setup consisting of a "pressure bomb"  which provides a pressure gradient and therefore creates a continuous stream of particles from the high pressure region (suspension) into the empty capillary placed within the low pressure region. Secondly, the capillary is mechanically strapped close to the bottom of the beaker to stay in position even at higher pressures and flow rates. Thirdly, application of an magnetic stirrer which provides a turbulent flow to homogenize the suspension and more importantly which continuously taps the proximal end of the capillary column to avoid particle aggregation at the entrance of the capillary while loading.

Overcoming the issues of particle aggregation enables packing of a 50cm column with 2µm particles in less than an hour.

Dienstag, 2. Oktober 2018

Ionic liquid matrices in MALDI MS

I know that sometimes glyercol is used a liquid matrix in IR MALDI, but I have ever heard about Ionic Liquid Matrices (ILMs) before. These type of matrices are trying to eliminate the drawbacks of commonly used MALDI matrices, which in most of the cases are organic acids, having a really pKa in order to achieved analyte protonation.

ILMs have a low melting point, low vapor pressure and high stability at AP and vacuum. They do not create dangerous fumes and are considered to be a greener technology compared to conventional MALDI Matrices. They do not display crystallization, therefore sample preparation is supposed to be really homogeneous - which is one of the biggest advantages applicational-wise. So there is no need to find the “sweet” spots on your sample anymore.

ILMs are composed of a mixture of organic salts and bases. This unique mixture leads to a high ionization performance with the analyte due to ion pairing via electrostatic or hydrogen bonding between the matrix compounds and impurities. Since the protons are originated from the salt rather than from a weak carboxylic acid group ILMs display higher proton exchange efficiencies compared to conventional matrices.
They do not cause fragmentation (even for non-covalent bonds) or cluster and alkali adduct formation. Thus, they are less prone to denaturation of biomolecules compared to acidic DHB and CHCA (pKa of 3 and 1.2) matrixes. ILM can be pH controlled by the organic base to minimize degradation, denaturation or fragmentation of labile biomolecules at low pHs.

Additionally, strength and concentration of base regulates the UV-absorbance, since a difference in charge status changes the localization of electrons within the molecule therefore changes the absorbance properties of the matrix towards lower (hypsochromic shift) or higher (bathochromic shift) wavelengths.


Sonntag, 16. September 2018

Ultra High Pressure Column Packing

Ultra-high pressure HPLC can be one method to combat the high sample complexity of shot gun proteomics mixtures. During the years there have been an o lot of effort in optimizing the hardware setup. For example using solid core particles or longer columns.

The Coon Lab tried to reduce the van Deemter A-Term by creating an really tight and homogeneous packing bed of C18 particle utilizing pressures of over 2000bar for column packing. The packed columns turned out of display reduced backpressure and improved sequence coverage of +23%.
How this has been achieved?

Well, here a special type of pump was used. An air driven liquid pump based on pneumatic principle from heskel. This company usually operates in the hydrogen-gas fueled car industry but there multi head pump system which are able to create outlet pressures of up to 7000bar shown to be beneficial for column loading. The fittings and values used have been manufactured by HiP. Especially the connection from the slurry reservoir, having a ID of 1mm to the capillary with and OD of 0.3mm seems to be crucial to me (an modified femal to male fitting was used).

Freitag, 7. September 2018

EvoSep One nanoLC - combines low pressure sample loading and offline gradient formation for reproducible proteomics measurements

Usually reproducibility is a huge problem in nanoLC MS using an conventional 2-column setup utilizing sub-2µm solid core particles.
Due to the high pressure that is applied to achieve best efficiency, mechanical parts have reduced life time, undergo faster service intervals and obtain performance variation (pressure fluctuation).These phenomena led to an fluctuation of retention times and resolution from run to run.

Although nanoSpray displays better sensitivity researchers have been going back to microflow application because it offers a good comprise because sensitivity and reproducibility.

The new Evosep one nanoLC introduced a few concepts, which are going to overcome these limitations. The system has 4 low pressure pumps and a single high pressure pump linked by the sample loop.

The Evosep one pre-forms a gradient at low pressure and high flow and stores it within an sample loop. While sitting together with sample no mixing occurs.
Before loading into the sample loop the sample is cleaned up with an zip-tip like tip, also at low pressure. Since the loop is directly located behind the tip hydrophilic peptides won’t get lost and will be transferred entirely to the analytical column.
Since the gradient is pre-mixed only a single pump is required for eluent delivery. This is way better for reproducibility than two separately working pumps for each of the mobile phases.
Further, this unique system provides less carry over and an optimized duty cycle with less overhead time (-35% time saving compared to EASY1200 nano).
All in all this system provides great features and I am pretty sure it will become the method of choice for short gradient clinical proteomics.


The company evosep has got a pretty cool homepage and a youtube channel, which definitely should be checked out.

Donnerstag, 6. September 2018

FUNPET - half ion funnel, half ion carpet

FUNPET is a hybrid ion funnel ion carpet MS interface. It combines the advantages on an classical stacked ring RF-only driven ion funnel and an ion carpet.
The ion carpet consists of multiple planar (isolated) metal rings with decreasing diameter stacked together. In the center there is orifice.

To each of the rings there is an RF and  DC applied. The RF (180 degrees out of phase between the rings) keeps the ions away from colliding with the rings and confines them in front of the ion carpet and its centric orifice. The DC is decreasing the closer it gets to get orifice, providing a electric gradient field for focusing the ions into the orifice and transmitting them into the next pressure stage.

Interestingly, the design includes an jet disruptor which causes dissipation of neutral gas molecules and therefore reduces the gas load for the next vacuum stage and increases ion transmission.

More information about the FUNPET and the ion carpet technology can be found at

Freitag, 17. August 2018

In-solution, In-gel, FASP and S-Traping - a voyage through protein sample preparation

When it comes sample preparation in bottom-up proteomics one likes to be as fast, as reproducible and as efficient as possible. Unfortunately, most of the sample preparations are biased towards certain peptide species. In this respect  hydrophobic proteins, such as membrane proteins can be troublesome. Also one should consider sample loss during each preparation step.

However, over the years there have been a couple of techniques established, that are widely used among proteomics researchers. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages.

During In-solution protein digestion protein precipitation in chloroform/methanol is followed by re- solubilization and digestion in 8M urea. This digestion is achieved in reasonable time compared to in-gel digestion but has the disadvantage of introducing sample loss during re-solubilization step.

Second approach is the in-gel preparation, that follows the idea to entrap the protein solution within a polyacrylamid gel matrix (usually after SDS PAGE) and subsequently washing out detergents and performing  protein digestion within the gel. In gel digestion is very time consuming but it is worth though because in most cases you are ending up with a high number of PSMs.

The third technique is called FASP, which stands for filter aided sample preparation and requires about 7h hands on time. FASP tries to combined the advantages of the previously mentioned techniques. In filter aided sample preparation proteins are denatured and kept in solution by SDS. The SDS-protein mixture is subjected onto a filter cartridge, where all proteins are bonded. After an SDS-urea exchange, digestion takes place within the molecular mass cut off filter (be aware of MWCO during selection), releasing peptides whereas undigested proteins remain within the filter and would not contaminate the peptide mixture.

Depending on the geometry of the spin filter and your centrifuge over 50% of the originally used protein amount, ranging from µg to mg, can be recovered on peptide level. I found good SDS PAGE from a nature method paper which served as a control of evaluate the recovery during each step.

A rather new technique is called S-trapping, the S stands for suspension, because the proteins are trapped within a porous network made of quartz (SiO2) while being in suspension. Contaminations and salts have no binding affinity and remain in the flow through. Sample amounts ranging from ng to µg (read somewhere that 250µg is the maximum protein capacity of the silica network)
But it all starts with a common SDS step to solubilize all proteins. Afterwards this SDS micelle is partially broken up and the proteins begin to become partially denatured. This is when the quartz networks kicks in and bonds all of these particulate proteins to prevent them from aggregating with other particulate proteins. Since all the proteins are attached onto the surface of the network proteolytic digestion enzymes have an easy job to access all cleavage sites.

Quartz is a good choice since it provides low metal content (similar to type I silica in HPLC) and low peptide background during digestion. Additionally, one is able to chemically modify the silica surface to perform enrichment of certain peptides after digestion (for example with SDPD, commonly used as crosslinker, for enrichment of cysteine containing peptides, search C-S-trapping).

A recent study comparing all of these 3 sample preparation approaches indicated that S-trapping outperforms in-solution and FASP in terms of identification of unique peptides.

The S-Trapping is commercialized by a company called Protifi. There also provide a unique protease for enhanced b-ion in MSMS fragementation. Great stuff!

Mittwoch, 8. August 2018

In vivo TMT labelling

Tandem Mass Tag (TMT) is a common technique for quantification of peptides at the MS2 level.
The TMT is based on the reaction of the Primary amine at the N-terminus and the lysine with the NHS-ester group of the isotopically labeled tag. Once successfully tagged the peptide mixture is subject to MS analysis were the TMT-peptide displays a label-specific, low mass reporter ion during MS2.

The NHS-based TMT strategy requires all peptides to be freely accessible within a lysate to obtain efficient tagging. TMT can be apply for intact proteins as well, but applying it to intact cell in vivo was new to me.
The authors investigated the labelling efficienicy among different cancer cell lines and stated that in vivo TMT labeling requires an additional enrichment step to achive decent labeling efficiencies which are still lower compared to tagging on the peptide level (roughly 50% of identified peptides were tagged with invivo TMT after enrichment). The enrichment was done using an anti-TMT antibody to pull down all labeled peptides.

Compared to TMT labelling on the peptide level which appeared to be 100% of all identified peptides in vivo labelling with subsequent
Tandem Mass Tag (TMT) is a common technique for quantification of peptides at the MS2 level.
The TMT is based on the reaction of the Primary amine at the N-terminus and the lysine with the NHS-ester group of the isotopically labeled tag. Once successfully tagged the peptide mixture is subject to MS analysis were the TMT-peptide displays a label-specific, low mass reporter ion during MS2.

The NHS-based TMT strategy requires all peptides to be freely accessible within a lysate to obtain efficient tagging. TMT can be apply for intact proteins as well, but applying it to intact cell in vivo was new to me.
The authors investigated the labelling efficienicy among different cancer cell lines and stated that in vivo TMT labeling requires an additional enrichment step to achive decent labeling efficiencies which are still lower compared to tagging on the peptide level (roughly 50% of identified peptides were tagged with invivo TMT after enrichment). The enrichment was done using an anti-TMT antibody to pull down all labeled peptides.
Compared to TMT labelling on the peptide level which appeared to be 100% of all identified peptides in vivo labelling with subsequent immunoprecipation showed rather minor efficiency. However reproducibility was definitely given. Surprisely, the in vivo labelling strategy had no specificity to the location of the proteins. Specifically, a bias towards surface protein has not been revealed.

 showed rather minor efficiency. However reproducibility was definitely given. Surprisely, the in vivo labelling strategy had no specificity to the location of the proteins. Specifically, a bias towards surface protein has not been revealed.

Freitag, 3. August 2018

New features in skyline - LC-IMS-CID-MS and contaminations library

There is a lot going on in the skyline world lately. Originally, open source software skyline from the MacCoss Lab which started out as analysis tool for label-free quantification and MRM analysis of MS data.
Over years a lot of features have been added because more comprehensive analysis was requested by the users or new instruments using new scan modes have been introduced to the market. That's why recently ion mobility functionality has been added, including the entire LC-IMS-CID-MS workflow.

However, yet another skyline feature caught my attention in the current JASMS. A contamination library has been integrated into skyline. It contains over 684 common MS contaminations, which can be used as an transition list for MS1 filtering and is also provides a approach to determine unknown contaminations via a mass-to-formula tool. The mentioned transition list can be downloaded in the public repository panorama.